How I Discovered The Secret To Ageless Living

I was 42 years old, the nest was now empty… and the walls no longer echoed the sounds of “Mom”.

In what seemed only a moment…years had passed.

I had closed my business of 20 years. The children had grown up and one by one moved away.

During their years at home, I had gone to college, earned a degree, founded a fine arts school, and furthered my studies in piano, painting, and dance…

I thought I would be prepared for this next stage of my life…but I was wrong.

As long as my children were the North Star of my life, I was deeply connected to what mattered most to me. I had something bigger than myself to live for. I had a reason to be on my “A Game”.

But with them gone, I was standing at a crossroads that felt more like a dead-end…asking myself…What now?” and “What next?”

As the days turned to weeks I began to feel myself spiraling into doubt and uncertainty about the future.

And I began to look back for what was familiar and felt safe…

Life was becoming more and more about the way things were, than about how they could become.

And then one day while replaying memories of past successes I heard my inspirational theme song.

“Each day I live, I want to be

A day to give the best of me…

Give me one moment in time

When I’m more than I thought I could be…”

And I woke up.

I woke up to the realization that…

I didn’t want to just plod on, content to let life just happen to me.

I didn’t want my life to be about the way things were.

I didn’t want to stop growing and start feeling “less” …less sure of myself, my dreams, my purpose.

I knew that I had more to offer, and that if I didn’t take control things would not get better.

I realized that these years of my life were not the end of something…they were the beginning of something new.

I adopted a “from this day forward” mindset.

And I realized that I needed a plan, a strategy to maintain that “forward” momentum.

The first thing I did was return to school and finish my graduate studies in counseling and psychology.

School provided the structure, support, and accountability that would make commitment easier.

I became licensed and opened a counseling practice.

I continued to study, research, and experiment. I tried lots of things. Some worked…some didn’t.

Through the years I discovered the strategies and principles that made the biggest difference, the needle movers…

And I designed a process for living an engaged, energetic, and productive life…a life where how old you are has nothing to do with the number of years you’ve lived.

A life where all that matters is your ability to participate in life, to love and be loved, rediscover your creativity, and build healthy connections with family and friends…I call this Ageless Living.

Ageless Living is a “from this day forward” attitude that honors how much more you still have to give the world.

I had reimagined my life and discovered the secret that changed everything for me.

I wanted to help other women get there too…

I became a coach.

So if you aren’t ready to resign yourself to “growing old gracefully”, and you ARE ready to make the rest of your life the best of your life, join me as I share with you the principles of Ageless Living.

To get started, you can book a no obligation, complimentary Ageless Living Session with me.